Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thus is life

Well, I had a very exciting night last night. I went out shopping/errand running all day and on the way home stopped at a take away Chinese place to grab some dinner. While I was looking over the menu I struck up conversation with another woman picking up dinner. I asked her if she ate there often and if she could recommend something. She proceeded to give me a full run down of the menu, including her likes and dislikes as well as her favorite combinations of starters and main meals based on flavor/sauciness combinations. Apparently she goes there on what we could safely call a "frequent" basis. She told me she has been there the last three days in a row, but usually only goes there two or three times a week. There is an Indian place around the corner she likes to mix into her routine.
She made me sad. In the ten minutes I spent talking to her I got the strong impression I was the only person outside of work she had talked to in a while. I don't want to be her. So, I've set a new goal for myself - don't be a pathetic loaner. Make friends, or at least try.
On my way home from said Chinese take away place, I was whistled at by a kid on a bike who could not have been more than 8-years-old. His friend, a slightly older kid (we're talking around 10) followed up the whistle with a "shake that ass". Though it was pronounced more like "arse" which amused me.
This also made me sad. It seems as though I can only successfully attract prepubescent boys. So, the second goal I set for myself last night - attempt to be bolder with men. Don't come off as shy and/or uninterested, unless of course the "men" are 8-year-old kids.

How am going to reach these goals you ask? Well, I've been putting some thought into that. I finally get to move into my apartment tomorrow. I am so excited! It will take me a few days to get settled, but after I do I am going to go secure myself some part time employment somewhere near by. This way I at least have a semblance of a routine and the opportunity to meet some new people. In addition to this, I have an appointment set up with the creative director of The Courtyard Theater on Wednesday. I think he is going to let me do some volunteer tech work with him, which would not only be another fun addition to some sort of routine, but will hopefully throw a few potential friends my direction. I am also going to make myself go to the Texas Exes events from now on. We get to watch the game live tonight! When you scream for a touch down, I will too! How exciting! Only it will be 9 pm where I am. I think there is only one way to achieve my goals: I need to force myself to stop being such a shy git. I think I can do it, fingers crossed anyway.

I've been to three interviews for "real jobs" and while they went well, nothing came of it. One person said they would hire me, but were concerned about my "commitment to London". Apparently they think I will just pack up my bags and leave in four weeks or something. Which I suppose is fair enough - but how do they guarantee that even someone living down the street won't up and quit on them when they get a better offer? They can't, but it doesn't really bother me as I didn't want their job anyway. The other company offered me a position, but I turned them down, or rather I "have chosen not to proceed with this offer and to instead pursue other opportunities". They were shady and pretty much refused to tell me exactly what it was they wanted me to do for them. It was nice to say no to someone, but it very quickly reminded me how poor and bored I am.

Anyway, the point of the employment rambling is that all this job searching has got me missing school. I don't know if I am entirely ready for "the real world". I definitely know I am not ready to hunker down and work a job I don't really like just to make money. I am not 100% sure what I want to do yet, and I don't want to get stuck with some career I hate just because it was time to find a job. So with that thought in mind, I started looking into some masters programs over here. I can go to one of the best Comm schools in Europe, get a masters in about a year, and it will only cost $4,000. That is so ridiculously cheap! I might be a good idea to work part time somewhere while going to class for a masters. I'm not sure yet, so I am going to keep looking for "real" work a little bit longer. But I am also going to keep my options open.

That's all for now. When I get my place set up I'll post pictures.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Very Brady Lesbian Affair

Marsha and Jan got it on? I find that disturbing for some reason...

Also, they had a moment of silence for Marcel Marceau. I find that funny.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tina Fey knows my deepest fears.

I had a strange moment today - it's the first time in a long time I've been sad to be single. And it wasn't just sad, it was really a moment of panic. And here's why: I have some sort of bump or bite on the back of my shoulder. It's been soar for the last two days. I can't see it and I have no one to ask to look at it and make sure it's not cancer or a chigger. I'm more worried it might be a chigger honestly. I've always had a paranoid fear of chiggers.
It made me think of the 30 rock episode in which Tina Fey is terrified she will die alone in her apartment having choked on a piece of chicken. I understand now.

I've moved in to Ann's tonight and am really enjoying it - though i would still like to be in my own place. sigh, soon enough. Other than the chigger bite, I'm quite happy. =)

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Number

My new UK number is: 0778 999 5337
I think if you want to call me you dial 011 44 778 999 5337 (look at all the numbers!)

I also now have the internet. Did you know the internet comes in a box now? I got this little doodad that you plug into your USB and that is all you need. So where ever I go, I have internet. Neat, isn't it?

Friday, September 7, 2007

I live in England?

I have a whole lot to say and not a lot of time to say it - I am on a Library computer in Woolich and on a strict time limit as (it seems) no one in England has yet jumped on the technology bandwagon.

So, a real quick update on my semi-success here:

I have found an "apartment". I like to call it a 2 story, 2 bed flat. That sounds much nicer that 120 sq foot box with lofted sleeping and sofa bed. I can't move in until the first of October and I am going to do some serious redecorating (paint, light fixtures, etc) so when I can Ill get some pictures up so you can see. It's tiny, but in a really good location and sort of more cozy tiny than depressing tiny. I am only a 2 minute walk from the mornington crescent tube station and only 5 minutes from this rather trendy night life area of Cadmen Locks. My future address is: Flat 4, 84 Cadmen Highstreet, London, NW1 OLT. You can google earth me if you'd like. I live above a shoe repair shop.
Send me mail! (But not until October).

As far as bank accounts, cell phones, and Internet goes - it's been one huge frustration after another. I can't get a cell phone because I don't have a UK credit history. I can't get a credit card because I am "seeking work" and don't have a previous UK bank account. In order to get credit history without a credit card I need to get Internet/cable set up and pay some bills. I can't pay bills until the end of October AND I can't pay bills without a bank account which I (originally) was told I couldn't get without a bill that showed my proof of address. Confusing, isn't it? This country is backasswards. But, I've got some things in motion that should have me set up with a bank card in two days, which lets me get a cell phone in 4 days, which will let me start getting credit, which will allow me to get Internet set up as soon as I move into my studio.

Anyway, things are slowly falling into place. It will take me another 3 or 4 weeks to really get settled (I wish I could move in sooner) but I think it's going to be ok. I can't log on to facebook from these computers because it is restricted for the safety of the children or something. I apologize for the delay in response - I might be able to get on a non restricted computer tomorrow...

Hope every thing's going well back Texas way - give me some gossip! I am dying for it!