Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm Homeless!

The plan for the next month:

Simpson's Feast/Master Pancake August 1
Hairspray (viewing #2; it rocks) August 2
Winedale August 3 - 5
Salt Lick August 6th
Last night in Austin: August 7th.
Before I go, I reallly, REALLY, want to see the bats. Anyone want to go with me?

Dallas August 8 - 2o (during which time there are several movies I must see including Superbad, The Golden Compass, Stardust. I will also need to consume a sick amount of Tex-Mex and BBQ. Sadly, I can't think of any hot spots I feel the need to hit before I go)
Leaving Dallas August 21st (with BJesus to drive to Florida. Excitement!)

Florida August 22 - September 1

Land in England the morning of September 2nd. One month from today - wacky.

Someone stole my bike. I had it locked up on a railing for the past 3 months and just in the last few days someone decided to kick in said railing and take off with my bike. Tis' unfortunate; it was a really nice bike. But, it is nice to not have to worry about driving it up to Dallas. Oh well.

I've been kicked out of my house - one step closer to leaving Austin and being officially homeless. =(

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tentative Schedule

I have less than a week until I need to be out of my house in Austin. At that point, I will be living out of 4 giant suitcases. Who'd of thought I could fit my life into such a small space. You would all be very proud of me - I got rid of about 15 garbage bags of clothes and 20 pairs of shoes. This made me rather sad. That is, until I realized that I still have 4 suitcases of clothes and roughly 25 pairs of shoes left over. Yeah, I own a lot of crap. I still have some things I am trying to get rid of: a bookcase, my TV, my couch, a set of flatware. If you need any of these things more than goodwill does, let me know and I'll find a way to get them to you.
So, the plan for the next five weeks...
Brandan is graciously taking a few things as well as Bruce to Dallas this weekend. I get kicked out of my house Tuesday and will live out of my car until Friday, when I go to Winedale for the weekend. Ill be back on the 5th and probably head to Dallas shortly thereafter to spend some time with family and friends for a week or two. Around the 17th I am going to drive to Florida. There is a spot (maybe two) in that car for anyone who wants to drive with me and get flown back. Ill spend two weeks in Tampa. On September 1st my mom and I will fly to London.
So, quick summary. My last night in Austin looks like it will be the 5th or 6th of August. Last night in Dallas the 16th or 17th. Please see me. I am going to miss everyone like mad.
On another note, I got the 80s encore edition of guitar hero today. It was rockin' pretty hard core until I got stuck on "what I like about you". Brandan, Jeremy, and I passed the guitar around for about a hour with each of us consistently failing at 30% each time. ARG! What other glorious songs of the 80s am I missing?! It seems as though I will never know. My hands hurt and my eyes have gone all screwy. What a brilliant game.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A new life

I am switiching over to blogspot. Why? Well, first of all, I like to copy Carmen. Secondly, I am consolidating. I've got two or three blogs I don't really use and I think it's time to scrap them and post everything in one place. The real reason though, or at least my optimistic reason, is that I would like to use this as one place where everyone can come and check in on my European adventure.

As of right now, there isn't much to report. Except that it is now official; I am moving to England. My mom and I are leaving the first week of September. She will be there a week to help me find a place and get set up (thank god) and then I'll be on my own. Any by on my own I mean surrounded by more family than I have had my whole life as well as a good friend or two to keep me company.

Between now and then there is so much to do. I need to finalize all this passport stuff. Anyone known me for two years and consider themselves a civil servant or professional? If so, I need you to countersign some stuff for me. I need to pack up, sell, donate, or burn all of my possessions. In the next week I should have a good idea of what I am giving away. I'll make sure to post that for those of you who want to pillage. I also need to consolidate my financials, get Bruce's papers and shots figured out (that's right, he's coming with me), see one of every doctor you can imagine before my insurance runs out, and get my car to Florida.

This is weird. But I am excited. I hope it all works out the way I imagine it will - or, if it can't be so ideal, I just ask that it works well enough. In the end, if I find myself over there and miserable with nothing falling into place, I can always come home. And I'll come home with no regrets. That's the beauty of life, you can almost always start over.