Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tentative Schedule

I have less than a week until I need to be out of my house in Austin. At that point, I will be living out of 4 giant suitcases. Who'd of thought I could fit my life into such a small space. You would all be very proud of me - I got rid of about 15 garbage bags of clothes and 20 pairs of shoes. This made me rather sad. That is, until I realized that I still have 4 suitcases of clothes and roughly 25 pairs of shoes left over. Yeah, I own a lot of crap. I still have some things I am trying to get rid of: a bookcase, my TV, my couch, a set of flatware. If you need any of these things more than goodwill does, let me know and I'll find a way to get them to you.
So, the plan for the next five weeks...
Brandan is graciously taking a few things as well as Bruce to Dallas this weekend. I get kicked out of my house Tuesday and will live out of my car until Friday, when I go to Winedale for the weekend. Ill be back on the 5th and probably head to Dallas shortly thereafter to spend some time with family and friends for a week or two. Around the 17th I am going to drive to Florida. There is a spot (maybe two) in that car for anyone who wants to drive with me and get flown back. Ill spend two weeks in Tampa. On September 1st my mom and I will fly to London.
So, quick summary. My last night in Austin looks like it will be the 5th or 6th of August. Last night in Dallas the 16th or 17th. Please see me. I am going to miss everyone like mad.
On another note, I got the 80s encore edition of guitar hero today. It was rockin' pretty hard core until I got stuck on "what I like about you". Brandan, Jeremy, and I passed the guitar around for about a hour with each of us consistently failing at 30% each time. ARG! What other glorious songs of the 80s am I missing?! It seems as though I will never know. My hands hurt and my eyes have gone all screwy. What a brilliant game.


Blair said...

Dude, I could use a couch. Is it the 2-seater one? I heart that couch, many memories. How could we get it from your place to mine, however?

Just let me know. If you'd rather let the poorer have it, I'll understand.

Man, it's weird that you're going away. I feel old.

Shell said...

I just got rid of the couch yesterday. Sorry dude. Had you gotten to me a day sooner, it could have been yours. but I couldn't say no to the ladie with the check book.