Friday, September 7, 2007

I live in England?

I have a whole lot to say and not a lot of time to say it - I am on a Library computer in Woolich and on a strict time limit as (it seems) no one in England has yet jumped on the technology bandwagon.

So, a real quick update on my semi-success here:

I have found an "apartment". I like to call it a 2 story, 2 bed flat. That sounds much nicer that 120 sq foot box with lofted sleeping and sofa bed. I can't move in until the first of October and I am going to do some serious redecorating (paint, light fixtures, etc) so when I can Ill get some pictures up so you can see. It's tiny, but in a really good location and sort of more cozy tiny than depressing tiny. I am only a 2 minute walk from the mornington crescent tube station and only 5 minutes from this rather trendy night life area of Cadmen Locks. My future address is: Flat 4, 84 Cadmen Highstreet, London, NW1 OLT. You can google earth me if you'd like. I live above a shoe repair shop.
Send me mail! (But not until October).

As far as bank accounts, cell phones, and Internet goes - it's been one huge frustration after another. I can't get a cell phone because I don't have a UK credit history. I can't get a credit card because I am "seeking work" and don't have a previous UK bank account. In order to get credit history without a credit card I need to get Internet/cable set up and pay some bills. I can't pay bills until the end of October AND I can't pay bills without a bank account which I (originally) was told I couldn't get without a bill that showed my proof of address. Confusing, isn't it? This country is backasswards. But, I've got some things in motion that should have me set up with a bank card in two days, which lets me get a cell phone in 4 days, which will let me start getting credit, which will allow me to get Internet set up as soon as I move into my studio.

Anyway, things are slowly falling into place. It will take me another 3 or 4 weeks to really get settled (I wish I could move in sooner) but I think it's going to be ok. I can't log on to facebook from these computers because it is restricted for the safety of the children or something. I apologize for the delay in response - I might be able to get on a non restricted computer tomorrow...

Hope every thing's going well back Texas way - give me some gossip! I am dying for it!


Blair said...

Gossip #1:
The Statesman was dumb enough to hire me full time. Monday through Friday, real people hours. I'm very excited.
Gossip #2:
Texas' secondary looks horrendous. Seriously, our pass defense is a joke. Imagine my mom, Mommy Dullum, and your mommy going out there to protect the pass. That's about as good as it gets out there. Don't get me started on pass interference calls. I can sum it up with I'm going to kill that back judge if I ever find him.
Gossip #3:
My place is nice and I want you to see it. I will try to get pics up soon on facebook.
Gossip #4:
I miss you, dear. Seriously. Do you want me to ship you White tic-tacs, or can you get them?
Gossip #5:
I will, most definitely, send you mail in October. Everyone loves mail.

Scotto said...

Whats a secondary? I'm glad you found a place; sounds cozy. No gossip. I flew back to ann arbor for the semester today: the airline lost my bag and I lost my car in the garage. It took me an hour to find it.

I almost got a kitty two weeks ago. her name was Isabel. -sigh-


Shell said...

Blair! Hurray for work! I am very proud. Is it sports related?
I haven't gotten to watch any of our games yet - but i've been reading about it and just that makes me mad. I read an article not too long ago in a college preview thing and it was going on about how Texas'new defenssive coach is going to be more agressive and we should expect big change - particularly in the secondary. I laughed. I figured it would end up like this - oh well. You will have to keep me updated. No one here gets football. They make fun of me and go "oh, you mean AMERICAN football" in a snooty little voice.

SCOTTO! hi. I am sorry you lost your things, but glad you found them. I found a kitten on the street today and gave him pets for a few minutes. He was very Earl like. I like kittens (at first I typed mittens, I like those too).

Shell said...

Also, for some reason my Blogger website is in german? Umm.... ok...
