Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ann Coulter is a Stupid Bitch

There is no other way to describe her.

I would like a religious opinion on this - I know the woman is insane, but since I don't know the bible/Christian beliefs that well, I don't know just how crazy she truly is. Do Christians really consider themselves "perfected jews"? I have never heard this idea before....
I just really can't believe how completely and utterly thick headed and arrogant this woman is. She makes some rash generalizations about the world and how it works and then makes all sorts of emphatic statements based on very little to no fact. People like that really piss me off. How can ANYONE listen to her and think she brilliant?! It's times like this that I fear for the well being of humanity.


Blair said...

No. The answer is no. But let's not even start on how many things Ann Coulter construes as retard.

To clear things up, the Bible, of course has to clarify the difference between Jews and Christians. You see, since Jesus as Jewish, this always started a large theological debate. As in: Jesus did believe in himself, but did he go to Heaven? Or even the popular Isaac and Jacob were Jewish are they not in Heaven? Well, of course they are. They were God's Chosen People (the biblical nickname for Jews).

*warning: highly theoretical debate. My words are not perfect. This is how a majority of Christians view this Biblical interpretation, but it, of course, doesn't not make it a fact.*
The only thing the Bible mentions about the distinction between Jews and Christians in the after life is saying that when a Jew dies, "their eyes will be opened to the truth." This pretty much means that a Jewish person will go up to the gates of Heaven and they will have a choice to believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God (a person they are still, in theory, waiting for on Earth) or they cannot accept him. Now, keeping this in mind, if you're at the gates of Heaven, then they'll tell you whether Jesus was the son of God or not, so if he wasn't, then this will not be presented as a question. If they do not accept him, they will go to a "Jewish version" of Heaven. Just as good, I'm sure. But, as you know, Jews don't believe in Hell. That's due mainly to the fact that they're God's Chosen People, so obviously can't be condemned.

Tha'ts my personal belief. That Jews are God's peeps, so obviously, He's not going to change his mind at the last second. It'll just be a choice. But either way, will not be condemned. So, no Christians aren't "perfected Jews." What Ann Coulter is doing, once again, is summarizing a very thick theological debate into one sentence when there's a million facets that no one can understand perfectly.

Hope this helped a bit. At least to give a certain viewpoint.

Shell said...

I had no doubt she was wrong - she is always wrong. I was more curious as to where she got the phrase "perfected jews" - since I have not read much of the bible, I was curious which part she took this from/what she completely misconstrued. And you have done a good job of answering that for me.
What is kind of funny to me is how, in theory, you and Ann Coulter are explaining the same thing. Though, you manage to do it in a very straight forward, completely unoffensive way. Why couldn't she say it that way? Oh right, she's evil.

Shell said...

Also, I just rewatched the video and I have another question: what the hell is she talking about?
Seriously, do you see her point? She is saying that the world would be better if we were all Christian because Christian's are on a "fast-track". That Christianity is better than Judaism because Jews have to obey and Christians are "the fed-ex". What does this mean? I got caught up before in my outrage at her last statement that I didn't realize that I should just be outraged at her stupidity.
Am I missing something? What's the point?

Blair said...

Honestly,it's hard to rationalize an irrational person. But, I think what she means is the Jews have many many laws to follow and Christians tend to "follow their own chosen path". However, it's really really hard to justify the things she's saying.
As to where she got the phrase "perfected Jews" I would assume when she was having a drunken one-night stand with a fat woman, but I'm just guessing.
Honestly, I have no clue where the heck she got that rhetoric. It, most certainly, is not in the Bible. The Bible, in no way or fashion speaks ill of the Jews because it wouldn't make any sense (due to previously mentioned argument).
As to her argument that the world would be better if everyone was Christian, is just plain dumb. Christians among themselves can't even agree. So, although on paper, it seems it would eliminate religious conflict, it wouldn't. That's why there's so many denominations.

Point being, she has no valid point except proving, once again, her immense stupidity and judgmental nature. You're not missing her point, she just doesn't have one.

L said...

oh my god, ann coulter has posted on her site saying that it's all a joke!

Blair said...

Sure she says it's a joke. She pissed off the Jewish community. That's votes against the Republican party and she, most certainly, doesn't like that.
Everyone regrets things they say when they mess up and get caught for it.

Shell said...


I don't get it...

L said...

someone hacked her site...

...and it amused me.