Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Less than 24 hours later

Ha! Screw you Wall Pleasant! I got a job!

Starting tomorrow, I am working for a company that rhymes with PLA Diaper (I've been instructed not to use their real name to protect their integrity) in their marketing and PR department. It's starting out as a temporary position, but that is more than fine with me. From at least now until Christmas I have a guaranteed pay check and way to fill my days. The girl I am working for is beyond nice and I think I am going to get along really well with her. I am actually really excited about this. I am making (relatively speaking) bank. I get to work in a fun environment and it's only a few tube stops away.
I no longer have the postgraduate, over educated, unemployed blues. I thought about changing to another Wally Pleasant classic, "Stupid Day Job", but I don't think that will necessarily apply to me. At least, not yet. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
Oh, and I have a date tomorrow. Things are coming together....


L said...

Yay Shelley! John and I send our congrats!

J. Goerner said...

Why didn't you schedule that room?11!!! You should know how many people there are!!! Do not ask me any questions!!111!

Shell said...

It's not quite like that - it's just how it sounds to me... =(

L said...


can you find this man and slice off his testicles for me?


Lauren said...

So, I didn't think he was horrible until about halfway down. Sort of mildly offensive in that he was stereotyping women as a whole, but not testicle-removal-evil. And then he keeps GOING.

I particularly like that he subscribes to a number of female stereotypes - but then sort of throws out the male one (that men can't multitask - admittedly one I've never heard, but still).

I think the real problem, for this nice man, has been that nearly every female ever forced to converse with him has been overcome with a mad desire to poison his food ... which makes it taste subpar.