Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I was in my local Sainsburys this evening when I happened to notice this:

It's kind of hard to read, but you are looking at Kleenex for men. I am not kidding, the name on the box is "Kleenex for men".
Now, I've done a little research and according to the UK Kleenex website "KLEENEX® For Men tissues are big, strong & reliable enough for all your needs — everything you would expect from the number one facial tissue brand for 50 years." However, according to the somewhat less reputable site, dooyoo.co.uk, a man writes in a review of the product, "I have found that they are best at absorbing three of my body fluids which I produce and discharge in large quantities on a regular basis. These fluids are snot, sweat and sperm". There are over a dozen comments following this review praising it's accuracy and honesty. So we have to wonder if this is the true reasoning behind Kleenex's new subbrand or if, perhaps, some sort of geographical marketing scheme.
It's interesting to note that this product is not available in the states - it isn't even listed on the US Kleenex website as an existing product. So what is it about British guys that made the corporation feel they had room to expand? Are British guys more sensitive? Are British guys more gullible and, therefore, willing to shell out the extra cash? Or do British guys just wank off more?
Help me figure this out - I find it fascinating.


John said...

Let me start off by agreeing with Jeremy, here. It's ridiculous to see a Kleenex product made specifically for male viscous bodily fluid.

I'll also begin with a personal (maybe a bit too personal) aside. As a man who knows his bits very well, I'll say that pretty much any old tissue or paper towel does the trick. I might need more than one, but it's really not a big issue. You're welcome.

Britain is alright with saying, "Hey, people are sexual creatures and we're not going to stifle that." I actually really like how laid back they are about the whole thing, even if it can be a bit tacky at times (a page in the paper solely meant for a topless, buxom young lass, for example). I think the US can take a cue from Britain in a sense and realize that if someone sees a boob on TV, it's not the end of the world. In fact, it's much more likely that the end of the world for a child (like myself) is seeing something horrifically violent. Well guess what? The horrifically violent is way more common in the US and no one can tell me why everyone isn't up in arms about that when a bare tit sends people over the fucking edge.

But you know this.

I guess what I'm saying is the Kleenex thing seems to be Britain finally crossing a bit of a line. It's gratuitous in a really strange way. It doesn't offend me morally or anything like that, but it does offend me as a consumer. Actually, it kind of offends me as a man. It offends me the way the Nutrisystem commercials offend me here in the States. They're the ones with the retired athletes pedaling a diet system and saying things like, "LOSE WEIGHT LIKE A MAN," or "IF YOU DON'T LIKE STEAK AND BURGERS, YOU'RE NOT A REAL MAN."

It just shits on my integrity as a member of the male sex.

But, just maybe, the Brits really do masturbate so much (since they have about 690 semi-pornographic publications to choose from) that they really do need the product.

I don't see it, though.

Shell said...

So then were are agreeing that the British obsession with sex is Kleenex's primary motivator in developing this product?
Their official stance is just that men need a bigger, stronger tissue than women because men are bigger and stronger.
Another review that I read was by a woman commenting on how happy she is that she can now buy a tissue box that her husband won't complain about being too "flowery and girly". This would leave me to believe that there could be something in the British culture that upholds the man's man - but I see far too many "metrosexuals" in this country to think that's the case.

I just really can't see any significant marketing reasoning behind this product...

J. Goerner said...

too flowery and girly?

jesus christ

buy plain white tissue like the rest of us, you nancy . . . if your manhood is really called into question by a box of kleenex, you have some far more serious issues to address

Blair said...

I don't even know where to start with this product. Kleenex never seemed, to me, to be a sissy product. I mean, men carried around tissues for years to dry the eyes of the women they just...well, I don't know what they did to make them cry, but they did.

Is this the new handkerchief.

Shell said...

I think we can all agree it is a stupid and completely unnecessary product.

J. Goerner said...

^ T. M. I. TMI.

L said...

oh, so "...I'll say that pretty much any old tissue or paper towel does the trick. I might need more than one, but it's really not a big issue..." is perfectly fine in the T.M.I. rating dept?

and besides, the reason i'd probably purchase the product is for him, anyway.