Thursday, November 22, 2007

Rob is my Hero

Back when I first arrived in England, I had a little bit of Mac trouble. My battery wasn't charging properly and I had to go into the Apple store to get it swapped out for a new one. Who is it that ends up helping me out? This guy from UT, who happens to be good friends with my dear ad partner, Cesar. What are the odds?

This guy's name is Rob. And Rob is my hero.

He graciously accepted my Genius Bar appointment via Facebook and squeezed me in during appointments last night. Apparently, the Regent Street store in the single busiest Apple store in the world - based on what I saw last night, I'd believe it. After a few hours, it was concluded that the problem must be something physically wrong with my hard drive. I ended up leaving my laptop there for surgery - they have to open her up - but, I should get her back, good as new, in just a day or two. In fact, she'll be better than new, as there may be an upgrade to the new leopard OS and (finger crossed, cause' this would rock) the addition of CS3.

I apologize for completely flipping out and being, perhaps, a little overdramatic in my previous entry. But honestly, it did feel like my world was upside down. There was a girl at the Apple store last night who had, in fact, lost everything on her hard drive. She had been in the day before balling her eyes out. I could, obviously, empathize with her, but I was just so glad I wasn't her. So much so, that I felt rather guilty sitting next to her with my working computer and all it's music, pictures, and files.

I'm just really, truly, relieved. And you know what I am going to do to celebrate? Buy an external hard drive. A.S.A.P.

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