Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"You're Kidding"

While I found Jeremy's analysis of the current stock market situation in my previous post insightful, it's his second comment I wish to elaborate on: Heath Ledger is dead.

When I heard the news last night I was, it's safe to say, shocked. In fact, I was much more shocked than I would have expected. While the death of any person is always tragic, I never would have thought that the death of Heath Ledger would upset me so much. Not "upset" in the crying hysterical sense of the word. No, not that at all. But, nonetheless, it has resonated with me in some way. Maybe it was his potential as an actor. Maybe it was his two year old daughter. Maybe it was his youth. Maybe it was how unexpected it was (I haven't heard much of the guy for years and all of a sudden he's dead?!). I'm not sure why really, but this death is - I think -particularly sad. I won't get into how this personally affected me because, honestly, it hasn't. But, I will say, it's truly tragic that we only get one opportunity to experience this:

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