Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cheese it, the fuzz!

I was awoken at 1:00 a.m. Monday morning as every single buzzer in my apartment building roared to life. These buzzers are, at the best of times, obnoxiously loud. Being woken up by a symphony of them nearly gave me a heart attack. My neighbour, Charles, took the initiative to find out what was going on. As soon as he lifted the latch to our main door, he was pushed aside by ten armed police officers.

All I heard was Charles informing the officers that "the stairs only go up one flight" and an officer responding "GET BACK IN YOUR FLAT!". As they clamoured up the stairs I, being half asleep and partially nude, had a sudden moment of panic; convinced I was about to be exposed to several members of Scotland Yard as the burst into my apartment looking for God knows what. Of course, this was not the case. The band of bobbies stopped on the first flight and turned into our strange courtyard (more like an enclosed alleyway) and searched the 5'x10' area much longer than you would think necessary for a 5'x10' area. I then heard them say something to the affect of "All clear, get back to the street" and they were gone.

The next day, I asked Charles if he knew what the hell that was all about. He shrugged and said "they wanted to get to the roof to arrest two Chinese woman in bathrobes".

I can now proudly say I have survived my very first police raid. I live in an interesting place.


L said...

So...I'm going to go ahead and ask what needs to be asked here...

Do you sleep sans bottoms or sans top?


Shell said...

To be completely honest, I usually sleep in panties and a tank/shirt. But, it's particularly warm in my lofted bed now that it's pretending not to be winter anymore outside, so I've been going sans top more frequently.

And now you know.

L said...

I find that there's something really comfortable about those special occasions when one sleeps sans top.