Thursday, July 19, 2007

A new life

I am switiching over to blogspot. Why? Well, first of all, I like to copy Carmen. Secondly, I am consolidating. I've got two or three blogs I don't really use and I think it's time to scrap them and post everything in one place. The real reason though, or at least my optimistic reason, is that I would like to use this as one place where everyone can come and check in on my European adventure.

As of right now, there isn't much to report. Except that it is now official; I am moving to England. My mom and I are leaving the first week of September. She will be there a week to help me find a place and get set up (thank god) and then I'll be on my own. Any by on my own I mean surrounded by more family than I have had my whole life as well as a good friend or two to keep me company.

Between now and then there is so much to do. I need to finalize all this passport stuff. Anyone known me for two years and consider themselves a civil servant or professional? If so, I need you to countersign some stuff for me. I need to pack up, sell, donate, or burn all of my possessions. In the next week I should have a good idea of what I am giving away. I'll make sure to post that for those of you who want to pillage. I also need to consolidate my financials, get Bruce's papers and shots figured out (that's right, he's coming with me), see one of every doctor you can imagine before my insurance runs out, and get my car to Florida.

This is weird. But I am excited. I hope it all works out the way I imagine it will - or, if it can't be so ideal, I just ask that it works well enough. In the end, if I find myself over there and miserable with nothing falling into place, I can always come home. And I'll come home with no regrets. That's the beauty of life, you can almost always start over.


Blair said...

I heart you and I hope I can scrap together some money to go out there and visit you.

Scotto said...

Now that you and Carmen are both on Blogspot, I feel like I should jump on the bandwagon, what with living in an (almost) foreign country. Michigan is one fucked up state.

Shell said...

Blair, you must visit. It would be fun. And scotto! I love you.