Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The end of an era

My last night in Austin proved very entertaining. We overstayed out welcome at the Dog and Duck and proceeded to hang out way too late with the few reamining friends at a house down the street. I got to see, pretty much, everyone I wanted to and got all the hugs I needed. I also got a Dog and Duck t-shirt and porceline Smithwicks tap from dear Chris Kelly. I am still a little unclear on the how and why of that. But let it be known, Chris is an excellent negotiator.
I had lunch this morning with Kelly, Blair, Christine, Blake, and Bobo before taking to the road and leaving Austin behind me. I selected the Bjesus Accoustic Mix as my soundtrack - the same CD I listened to when I drove to Colorado for my freshman year of college. It will also be the CD that takes me to Florida, and I am sure, the CD that will take me out of the country. I think that's important, and it makes me happy.
I made it through the first 40 mintues of the drive before I cried. It was a rather strange moment actually. I didn't feel any saddness swelling up inside me. Instead, as I was singing along to Brand New's "Play Crack the Sky", I was hit by this wave of nostalgia and longing. I let out one or two tears and then felt completely composed again. I think its a good sign that I didn't cry the whole trip (i.e. my initial drive to Colorado, and we all know how that turned out). I didn't really cry much at all. I texted Kelly:

me: I made it 40 minutes before I got sad. Can I come home to Austin now?
Kelly: Aw! You can always come back, but now its time to be having exciting adventures!
me: Yes. Right. Adventures!
Kelly: Go Forth! Slay Dragons!
me: Someone has to slay that dragon...
Kelly: Shelley, that dragon is not going to slay itself.

Nothing has ever been as inspirational.

Though I am, quite obviously, going to be sad about leaving Austin, I don't feel sad. This is, I think, a good start. *deleted content* The point here is that I am "home" and will be for the next 11 days. Those of you in Dallas, please take the time to hug me.
For my dear Austinites, some lyrics I found particularly fitting for my drive:

its the best friends that make you
sometimes they break you
its the best friends that move you
in my case see through you
its the best friends that need you
in my case believe you
its the best friends lives kiss you
in my case I'll miss you


L said...

shelley! if you are already in dallas, then why have i not seen you yet?! i wanna see you!!! (i suppose john does too, but who cares about him, right? *wink*)

Blair said...

I'll be honest, when I read the slay the dragons line, I remembered Plano West's rendition of "Seize the Day"

Shell said...

did you do the little kick jump dance move in your head?

Blair said...

As always... :)