Saturday, November 17, 2007

And then there was this

This was the view outside my window at work on Friday afternoon. I have to admit, no one felt particularly guilty when we spent five minutes sipping tea (coffee for me), watching this guy work, and arguing the possible repercussions of flashing a man repelling from a 20 story building.

What an odd job.


J. Goerner said...

you're an odd job

beccalea said...

hmmm, flashing a man who could plummet to his death? Something new to add to my "do before I die" list.

Shell said...

There was also a concern that the surprise might cause him to drop his squeege; which would then fall toward the earth at a terrfying speed (9.9 m/s/s) and crash into some unsuspecting person down below.

J. Goerner said...

the speed is gravity is just a little faster in the UK, apparently . . . which just further adds to the danger of the situation

J. Goerner said...

sorry, the acceleration due to gravity . . . not speed

Shell said...
