Thursday, December 13, 2007

I can't remember the last time I cried so hard

If for no other reason, you need to watch the entirety of Six Feet Under just so you can experience the last three minutes of the final episode.

I have never seen the end of a series be so complete, so beautiful, so depressing, so honest, so meaningful, so full of loss, and so wholly satisfying.

T.V. can be an incredible artistic medium.


John said...


Nobody believes me! I'm glad you agree with me.

J. Goerner said...

i just haven't seen any of the show


Shell said...

Jeremy, borrow it from John (along with Extras) and watch it. It can be a bit slow to get into and watching all five seasons is a commitment, but I promise you this: It Is Worth It.

And John, thanks for not making fun of me when I called you crying. =)

Shell said...

Oh, also to John, I didn't realize that it was created by the same guy who did American Beauty - that really explains a lot. What a beautifully made movie and what an equally beautiful show.

L said...

I was reading the day the final episode aired, and they had a link to the last ten minutes of the episode. I had never seen the show before, but the outpouring of positive emotion on fark was so abnormal that I had to watch. And even though I knew nothing of the characters, I remember crying really hard for the lives and deaths people I'd never seen before. The show really is something so wonderfully epic that there are no words.

Anyway, I just watched the final episode again - it still makes me cry.

Jeremy, 63 hours is a commitment, but so worth it. I'd be happy to watch it with you and I know John would too.

Shell said...

I could watch it again. Anyone got anything better to do the next two weeks?