Thursday, January 10, 2008

Across the Universe

I have done a lot of thinking over the last 3 weeks and I have a lot to say, but I haven't quite collected my thoughts yet. So, bear with me and be on the look out for an analytical post about life (or rather my life and how I want to live it).

In the interim, I'd like to recommend a movie to you called Across the Universe. It's like Yellow Submarine meets The Wall meets The Science of Sleep on Acid. I think it's really incredible. I watched it on the plane and surprised those around me with my very obvious reactions, which I guess you aren't supposed to do on a packed plane surrounded by strangers. But sometimes you just can't help laughing out loud, or smiling, or gasping, or crying (though I didn't do the latter, but that would have also been frowned upon). Anyway, it's a really fabulous film and one I would never had expected an airline to show. Way to go American Airlines.

In fact, this is the first time in a long time that I have really enjoyed flying American. There seemed to be more space than BA, they give you more freedom to watch as many movies as you want, they had half of the first season of the American Office, and they had video games. I found the flight attendants to be more obnoxious and the food less than tasty, but when it comes to nine hour plane rides the crucial factor is the entertainment package. I give a big thumbs up for American's international service - just you remember that next time you are flying over seas.

The "e" button on my lap top is acting up. Do you know how many words include the letter "e"? It's a lot. I know this bcaus vry tim I come to th "" in a word I hav to paus and really push down th button or els my sntences nd up looking lik this. Annoying, isn't it?

I was reading my latest copy of one. a magazine (the publication for one of the most accredited advertising organizations in the world) and, low and behold, they mention Sean - my Creative prof who runs the Texas program and is all around a pretty awesome guy. This made me happy and rather proud. Hook em'? I think so.

I'm about 90% sure I am happy to be back in England. I miss my family and my lovely friends and, perhaps more than both of those combined, I miss having a shower. But when I looked out the window of the train and saw Big Ben, and when I emerged from Mornington Crescent and turned towards my house, I got that contented feeling I always get from being back somewhere familiar. It's dark and rainy and I'm going to have to lug 40 lbs of groceries up two flights of stairs and I think I kind of missed it. I'm telling you this now in case you are worried about me. Don't be. More on this later.

For now, just know I had an absolutely fabulous time in Texas and, if I were you, I would prepare for an on slot on abnormally long emails and random facebookings - I plan on staying in touch so much you'll never want to see me again. =)


Cesar said...

Whoa, what did they say about him? That you looooove him?

Broccoli Landers said...

You could always write the next Gadsby. That would be great! Er, grand maybe. Er, perhaps...damnit! It's hard to exclude "e"!

Shell said...

They were talking about their Education Summit and mentioned a talk Sean gave - something about how to be a badass portfolio school (I'm paraphrasing).

And yes, the letter "e" is in far too many words. It's driving me nuts!