Monday, January 21, 2008

"America is closed today"

I am sitting here watching the news and, during a report on the stock market, they uttered the above phrase. What a strange thought. Happy MLK day - though, I don't think that is something you send out best wishes for. In any case, I hope you enjoyed your day off.


J. Goerner said...

america was pretty much closed for good this morning . . . the market was down 400 points

then the fed cut rates by 75 points

Shell said...

I heard! Everyone over here is flipping shit! The investors in the city are being criticized fr acting like "chickens with their heads cut off".

Lauren said...

'headless chickens in the city' was, I think, the headline I saw.

J. Goerner said...

everyone just has the unfortunate tendency to look only at the short term, because they turn on the TV and all of the analysts are shitting bricks


in order to make the stock market actually work for you, you have to be in it for the long haul . . . for the five year period, the market is still up close to 3% . . . that isn't great by any stretch, but it's not terrible (the norm for a ten year period is up 10%, as a reference) . . . if you're in the market for the long haul, now's the perfect time to search for those great values . . . none of the stocks were over-valued before these huge market slumps, so its a great time to get back into the market while things are low (you're getting a stock thats undervalued because everyone is shitting themselves and selling impulsively)

the real problem is that everything outside of the stock market is so overinflated . . . oil prices are up so drastically compared to a year ago, it's ridiculous . . . and the sub-prime mortgage mess isn't helping anything either

J. Goerner said...

and now heath ledger is dead, which just can't be good for the global economy
