Thursday, January 31, 2008

How to get from Gatwick to Victoria

Or: An Exerpt of an Email to my Brother

Once you deplane and go through immigration, there is a counter to the right that will sell you a train ticket. You want a return ticket on the Gatwick Express to Victoria - make sure to tell them the return is on Tuesday (more on this later). Go down the ramps and get your luggage, go through the lovely green "I have nothing to declare except my genius" customs door, and exit into the main terminal. You are looking for signs that say "trains" - I know, it's really complicated, but stick with me. You follow these "trains" signs in order to get to the trains. You might have to take a little shuttle train to switch terminals (I think the express goes out of the north terminal, but I'm not sure). Don't be confused by this little shuttle train - this is not the Gatwick Express. When you exit the shuttle, continue to follow the signs that read "trains" until you find the train station. It will be pretty easy to locate as it is the place with all the trains.

There will be a big board that tells you what trains are on what platform. Make sure you get on a Gatwick Express to Victoria. I cannot stress this enough. Getting on the right train is crucial to getting to the right place. There will be non-express trains going to Victoria, don't get on those. Those will take upwards of an hour, but the Express only takes 30 minutes - this is, I believe, why they call it the "express".

You will know you have arrived at London Victoria when the train stops moving, and does not start again. This is called "the end of the line". Exit the train (be sure to get your luggage) and follow the signs labled "WAY OUT". This is British for "exit". There is only one exit, or "way out", so it is quite difficult to get lost. However, just in case you are confused or overwhelmed by the foriegn culture, I have selected a familar landmark where we will meet. There is a Burger King immediately to the right as you exit the platform and enter the station. This is where you will find me.


Lauren said...

You should go pick him up! Nothing is more fun/more welcoming than picking someone up from the airport - AND it would solve this problem.

L said...

i enjoyed your instructions. i think you should consider writing a manual for fun about your life.

Cesar said...

Yeah, yeah, complicated directions. More have a brother?!

Shell said...

I do have a brother! And he is 24 and he does not need to wear a helmet (as this entry may imply)