Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This is what I look like on my way to work

Except, not Asian.
Anyone want to buy me a gustbuster??

Also, for Lauren (of the Dawson variety):

I am amazed with just how many hits "wrinkly puppies" gets on getty. I promise not to punt your puppy, but only if you promise to let me hide things in his folds. How could I not?!?


J. Goerner said...

i hate to rain on everyone's parade, but i most certainly -will- be punting this dog

L said...

can we all get one dog, like a community dog?

john'll buy it.

Shell said...

But who would keep the community dog? I mean, there would probably be arguements as to who gets it when and who has to buy it food and who has to clean up its shit and who pays for the vet.
Owning a community dog is a serious responsibility Lauren, I don't know if you've really thought this through.
And besides, Jeremy is going to punt it. Is that really an environment we want to bring a puppy into?

J. Goerner said...

here's how it will work . . . it's simple really

john, you buy the dog

shelley, you clean up the shit

lauren, you can look at it

me, i will punt the god out of it