Monday, September 22, 2008

breaking the silence

I realized today that I’ve had a couple of rather significant changes in my life over the last three weeks that you folks may or may not be aware of.

First up, I’ve got a new home and, despite any fears and hesitations, it’s absolutely awesome. You may remember my last house – i.e. the box in Camden. I loved it, but the size and plumbing (to put it nicely) left something to be desired. My new house is a two storey, three bedroom flat with two – count them two – bathrooms. I have one of those huge overhead rain shower things. I am still basking in its glory. The whole place is newly remodelled, modern design and furnishings, super spacious and just generally nice. The girls I live with are lovely, hilarious and Australian. They both cook well and often and I take full advantage of this. We get along well, though their love for crappy TV rivals that of Brandan. I thought my previous roommate had trained me fully in the realm of reality TV, but these girls put Brandan’s TV obsessions to shame. It’s almost terrifying. I’ve been watching a lot of Girls of the Playboy Mansion and Run’s House. Go one, judge me. I dare you. I’m really very happy with my current living situation. I’ve got some picture somewhere that I may get around to posting for those that are curious.

Next up, I’ve got a new job. As most of you know, I’ve left the law firm for an architect’s firm. What most of you don’t know is that my boss (from both the law firm and now the new place) resigned last week leaving me in a slightly different position than I ever expected. It really sucks that she’s gone – she was a great boss to have – but the company is now forced to give me a lot more responsibility than they otherwise would have. I’m now directly involved in the rebranding of the firm; from deciding the new name up to designing the look and feel of the new brand. I am also moving a lot of the design and production work in house. I spent last week putting together the interim report which will be published next week. I am a hell of a lot busier now than I ever have been at work, but I think that’s a good thing and I’m kind of enjoying it (for the time being at least). It’s kind of worked out to be a good opportunity for me, even though I miss my lovely boss.

Other news: I’ve got a cold and I miss my car something fierce.

New music obsession: Regina Specktor “That Time” and “Fidelity”

New music disappointment: I heard “Paper Planes” on the radio the other day and, I suspect due to the excessive street violence in London, they have removed the the gun sound effects in the chorus and replaced them with some guy shouting “click click click... ching... BOOM”. It just doesn’t do it for me.


J. Goerner said...

They have that version of Paper Planes floating around over here too. It is a sham and a mockery. Just be glad you know the greatness of the original, unlike the rest of that damn country. Also, while John and I were Wikipedia-ing racial slurs last night, we came upon the term "septics" which is apparently used by Australians to describe Americans. I've never heard this. Have you?

Shell said...

I have discussed the "septics" question with a reliable Australian source - she has never heard of it. The most derrogatory they get with Americans is to call us Yanks. Wikipedia may be lieing to you.

What's that other song we used to listen to that has gun shots as a drum beat? Did that song get edited for radio?? I don't see what the big deal is...

L said...
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L said...

best Regina song = "Us"

L said...

Or, oh my god, "Summer in the City". I fucking LOVE that one.

L said...

Okay, last one, the video for "Samson" is like the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

Shell said...

Samson is really really good. I love her videos. They're somewhat epic. Have you seen the one for Fidelity? They wrestle in colorful chalk! Love it.